18 May 2013

Drawn on Site exhibition

Skirting it

Skirting it, inside the shop, following around the joint between floor and wall until it becomes a drawn line that outlines the edge of this space. Draw and move on, draw again, changing position changes viewpoint, passing an object alters its position, the room moves around me. I apply rules to the drawing - draw everything below this line, mapping all shapes that interrupt it. Objects that intersect this outline now become part of the floor plan. The rules are difficult to follow, I must switch thinking, cutting out the brains overriding recognition factor of pre learnt understanding. Objects and floor resettle, transferring onto a single visual plane. The necessary analysis, makes an interesting drawing exercise on pure observation, helping to understand this visual switch. Changing the rules, as you now control the way your brain sees and makes connections.

Draped drawing - time is connected to distance.
Draped drawing - time is connected to distance.

Ceiling Pipe - charcoal on paper
Ceiling pipe

Alison Carlier's impressed lines on paper
Alison Carlier's impressed lines on paper

Skirting it, five corners - graphite and red chalk on paper
Skirting it, five corners

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